E-education Content Management

E-learning is an innovative technology used to increase professionalization and student academic mobility. The ICT is considered to be a technological platform for higher education fundamentalization at the modern stage of development. Regarding the e-learning system, the implementation of the designed module of Web Dean’s Office allows to regularly monitor how educational content is created and used, as well as to observe and analyze the activities of all educational process participants. It was an essential requirement to consider the forms of e-learning implementation and the requirements for education performance assessment and evaluation, which gives a possibility to both academic staff performance assessment in the educational content management system (performed tasks) and a control over student activity and academic group excellence in order to ensure quality education, while developing the module.
Oksana Buinytska, E-EDUCATION CONTENT MANAGEMENT, [in] DISTANCE EDUCATION RESEARCH FIELDS AND METHODS, ed. Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Studio-Noa for University of Silesia, Katowice-Cieszyn 2016, 479 p., ISBN 978-83-60071-86-1, p. 451-466.
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