Bibliograficzna socjologia literatury - badania na danych dotyczących polskich konkursów i nagród literackich w latach 1990-2001

The article is the result of the quantitative research conducted on the data from Polish Literary Bibliography (, a database created by the Department of the Current Bibliography of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Science. The data has been col-lected on the basis of the analysis of books (all of the literary production), journals, and newspapers (over 800 each year) allows the PBL team to cre-ate files of literary events, registering, among others, winners of competi-tions, prize winners, and distinctions. By using the capabilities of the PBL database this data can be compared with other information gathered by the PBL team regarding literary creativity in books and magazines. The text presents preliminary research on the impact of competitions and literary prizes on the intensity of literary writing. The text presents and analyses data on the activity of artists before and after receiving prizes, or after victories in literary competitions.