Stakeholders of (De)-Radicalization in Poland

Poland continues to benefit from the minimal threat of terrorism. A corollary of this is that polls indicate that fewer citizens believe that a terrorist attack could take place in Poland. It means that politicians who use fear of terrorism in political discourse are losing one of their leading arguments. However, radicalisation in the form of a general hostility to openness and diversity is becoming more and more popular, and is therefore gradually being recognised as an ongoing threat for internal security. This report has summarised the context, structures, agents and channels of radicalization and de-radicalization. Among the most important challenges it identified lack of independent criminological research into the number of (unreported) hate-motivated crimes against minorities, as well as legal evaluation of the relationship between hate speech and freedom of speech in the Polish context to properly challenge xenophobic and racist narratives.
Moulin-Stozek M., (2021) Stakeholders of (De)-Radicalization in Poland. D3.1 Country Report. Horizon 2020 project ‘De-Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond: Detect, Resolve, Re-integrate’ (959198).
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