The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Online Marketing

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Online Marketing Paulina Pietrzyk-Kowalec, Kamil Całek Tekst 1  Abstract— The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led to transformative changes in the realm of online mar-keting. This scientific article explores the profound impact of AI on various aspects of online marketing strategies. The integration of AI technologies has revolutionized customer engagement through personalized experiences, enabling busi-nesses to deliver tailored content and advertisements to indi-vidual users. AI-driven algorithms have further empowered marketers to examine big data efficiently, gaining valuable insights into consumer behaviour and preferences, thus in-forming targeted campaigns and optimized marketing budg-ets. Additionally, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have redefined customer service, providing instant support and personalized recommendations, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, this paper also examines the ethical considerations associated with AI im-plementation, such as data privacy concerns and algorithmic biases. Through real-world case studies, the article showcases the practical benefits of AI adoption in online marketing, while underscoring the importance of responsible AI practices to maintain consumer trust and ensure long-term success in the evolving digital landscape. Keywords—Artificial Intelligence, Online Marketing, Impact, Customer Engagement, Personalization, Data Analytics.
The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Online Marketing by K.Całek and Paulina Pietrzyk-Kowalec
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