The Polish EU Council Presidency: Poland as a mediator

On July 1, 2011, Poland will assume the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union. As the largest of the new member states to assume the Presidency, Poland hopes its tenure will advance its regional leadership ambitions. The Polish Council presidency will face pressure from two directions, first from within the national political arena, fuelled by the upcoming electoral campaign, and second from its fellow EU member states, which will expect Poland to set aside its own interests and act as an »honest broker«. The Polish presidency will likely focus on finalizing negotiations with Croatia and negotiating with Moldova within the Eastern Partnership, since its remaining priorities can only be realised over the long term. The Council presidency can serve as an effective instrument to promote Poland as a major player within the EU and to enhance the country’s image as an important and reliable partner.
Karolewski I.P.; Sus M., The Polish EU Council Presidency: Poland as a mediator, FES Pespectives, June 2011
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