Twierdze w Krzepicach i Dankowie w świetle najnowszych badań

"The fortresses in Krzepice and Danków in the light of the latest research". The two castles in Krzepice and Danków are located not far from each other, upon the Liswarta River, on the boarder of Lesser Poland, Greater Poland and Silesia. Both fortresses were built in places dating from mediaeval times, the places whose history was strongly influenced by their location near the border. In the 17th century, when the castles flourished, they were strengthened with bastion fortifications. Despite many similarities, the fortresses differ with regards to their ownership issues. The one in Krzepice belonged to the monarch and was the headquarters of the county office, while the other one in Danków was someone’s private property. That aspect influenced significantly both the original layout of the fortresses and the pace and character of changes which influenced their structure over the years. Yet, their final plight was similar, typical to many fortresses at the end of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. After their abrupt development about the middle of the 17th century, at the beginning of the next century they faced the period of stagnation, followed by gradual destruction. In 2014, the castles in Krzepice and Danków were subject to an initial archeological and historical examination which makes the history of the fortresses more familiar and helps us verify previous scientific findings
Artykuł powstał w związku z międzynarodową konferencją naukową "Twierdze osiemnastowiecznej Europy. Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów i kraje ościenne", która odbyła się w dn. 24-25 kwietnia 2015 r. w Częstochowie.
W. Dudak, R. Herman, A. Kobus, "Twierdze w Krzepicach i Dankowie w świetle najnowszych badań", [w:] "Twierdze osiemnastowiecznej Europy", Oświęcim 2015, s. 322-361
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