Moderating effect of emotions on the relationship between learning competencies and meaning in life among university students

The aim of this study was to examine if emotions moderate the relationship between learning competences and the meaning in life. Learning competences have two components: the first one is the knowledge and abilities how to learn effectively with subjective sense of self-efficacy in learning, second involves positive attitude associated with drawing pleasure from learning. Meaning in life is defined as a sense of one's life having a purpose or investing time and energy into the attainment of cherished goals. The sample consisted of 245 university students (151 women, 88 men, 6 people did not report gender). Mean age was M = 21.39 years (SD = 2.04). Valid and reliable psychometric tools were applied. Hypotheses were partially confirmed. Positive emotions moderated the relationship between learning competences and meaning in life. On the other hand negative emotions did not moderate the relationship between learning competences and meaning in life. The results showed that learning competencies are positively related to meaning in life if they are accompanied by higher positive emotions. The potential implications of the results in the context of healthy and unhealthy learning attitudes are discussed.
Balcerowska, J., Biernatowska, A., Pianka, L., Atroszko, B. Moderating effect of emotions on the relationship between learning competencies and meaning in life among university students [w:] “Badania i Rozwój Młodych Naukowców w Polsce. Psychologia i socjologia”, red. nauk. Jacek Leśny, Jędrzej Nyćkowiak, Wydawca Młodzi Naukowcy, Poznań 2016, ISBN (wydanie online) 978-83-65362-72-8, s. 34-40.