Strategie oporu konsumenckiego — dezercja z rynku czy współpraca?

The author sets forth questions about the essence of consumption, the role of the market, and protest movements, while leaving aside overused arguments about the negative impact of consumption on civilization as a whole. She presents the most important critical understandings of consumer culture, and in particular, their strategies for resisting the dominant capitalist system. She argues that certain widely promulgated attempts at deconstruction, which are based on a ‘hegemonic’ consumer world view and announce the need to desert the market, are fairly outworn and conceptually problematic. In their place, she suggests forms of engaged participation in the market, linking consumerism with conscious, creative sufficiency and efficiency of action. Consumerism thus understood could strengthen individual freedom and broaden the extent of democratic liberties. As an accepted social logic, it could favour the creation of social ties and engagement in social life; its symbolic potential could be greater–on the principle that only engagement, rather than desertion, provides a true opportunity to influence conditions.
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