How to Engage Students in Online Learning – Web-Enhanced and Blended ESP Classes

Greater engagement in educational activities in an e-learning environment developed for an ESP course could be achieved by providing students with web-based authentic materials and by using various techniques arousing participants’ interest. The chosen pedagogical approach, profession-related content, simple structure and navigation should act as engaging stimuli. A well-developed online programme can prepare students for self-directed lifelong learning and for e-learning courses such as MOOCs.
Iwona Mokwa-Tarnowska, HOW TO ENGAGE STUDENTS IN ONLINE LEARNING – WEB-ENHANCED AND BLENDED ESP CLASSES, [w] IT Tools - Good Practice of Effective Use in Education, red. Smyrnova-Trybulska E., Studio-Noa for University of Silesia, Katowice-Cieszyn 2015, 408 p. ISBN 978-83-60071-82-3, p. 81-88
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