Ślady recepcji legend arturiańskich w heraldyce Piastów czerskich i kronikach polskich

Polish heraldry is little known in Europe, for that reason many European heraldries think that apart of England a dragon doesn’t exist in masters heraldry, see for example opinion of Arthur Charles Fox-Davies. He was one of the most famous English heraldries (died in 1928). His researches serve as a basis for John Philip Brooke-Little, the founder “The Coat of Arms” and “The Heraldry Society”. J.P Brook Little duplicated in his works theory of Arthur Charles Fox-Davies that the dragon appears only in the Great Britain heraldry. Meantime, apart of the Great Britain Dragon is the crest of the polish princes- Piastów czerskich. In XIV century appears also in crest of voivode’s of Transylvania.
W.J. Górczyk, Ślady recepcji legend arturiańskich w heraldyce Piastów czerskich i kronikach polskich, "Kultura i Historia" , 17(2010)
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