Koncepcja modlitwy w Wierze Bahá’í: ujęcie fenomenologiczne

Bahá’í Faith, a young world religion, which significantly differs from the other world revealed religions, has its own characteristics also in what concerns the practice of prayer. No institution of the priesthood and dogmatic canon law allow believers this new religion almost by any means to pray to God. Bahá’í doctrine emphasizes the importance of prayer in the life of both individuals, and the whole community. It is important not a mechanical reading of the texts of intentions but experiencing the state of spiritual development. Basically, prayers of this religion are divided for obligatory and facultative, that is celebrated in private, rarely – in the community of the faithful. The content of the prayer’s texts in a clear base reflects the Bahá’í theology and it could be a good source material for researchers of the phenomenon of new religious movements and the phenomenon of the spread of these movements as well.
Artykuł został umieszczony w monografii "Modlitwa w religiach świata" z serii "Religie świata" pod redakcją Waldemara Cisło i Jarosława Różańskiego OMI, Instytut Dialogu Kultury i Religii, Wydział Teologiczny UKSW.
Koncepcja modlitwy w Wierze Bahá’í: ujęcie fenomenologiczne, [w:] „Modlitwa w religiach świata”, praca zbiorowa pod red. W. Cisło i J. Różańskiego, Wyd-wo Bernardunum, Pelplin 2015, s. 327-348.
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