Analysis of the Influence of the Quality of Cadastral Data on the Process of Surveying Works in Poland

Under current regulations the role of cadastre of real estate in Poland plays Land and Buildings Registry (EGiB). This cadastre however has several flaws, and as a cadastral system of European standards, should constitute the backbone of a functioning real estate management and be the basis for legal, fiscal and planning actions of the state. In each of these aspects of the real estate economy important role play the configuration of borders, optimization of the shape and surface of the land and regulated legal status of the land. In the opinion of the author land consolidation procedures, can be an effective tool for corrections of the parcel geometry and regulations of the legal status of land. Faulty spatial structure of land in Poland was developing over many years. It is the result of complex historical, socio-economic and demographic processes. It causes a lot of inaccuracies and errors of the cadastre in Poland. These defects are particularly evident in the structure of possession of land, land use and lack of access roads to the cropland. Land and Buildings Registry (EGiB), as a public register, is subjected to the current and periodic modernization. The aim of the modernization is to improve the quality of the collected data. The article shows that making changes is necessary not only to increase the comfort of the surveyor's work, but above all in the context of ensuring the proper quality of cadastral data in accordance with European requirements. The aim of the article is to present the need of changing the borders configuration. The discrepancy of the registry map and the cadastral map shows that the cadastral maps should not be used by recovery of borders. They should be treated as ancillary materials in the borders course determining procedure. The paper is of a cognitive and research nature.