Wyspa niezgody: konflikt na Cyprze w XX i na początku XXI wieku

This article presents the history of formation, development and current situation of the Cyprus conflict. Starting with the roots of the impasse by controversial times of colonialism, this assumption allows us to understand the real causes and poten- tial solutions and a possible exit from the crisis, which goes on for more than forty years. Cyprus, as a member of the European Union, is an essential geopolitical actor on the Mediterranean Sea, so it’s important to understand and predict the potential further development of the relations feuding nations. That subject may be an example of how the threshold of the twenty-first century may be attempting to resolve old conflicts of this type on the island of Aphrodite.
[w:] Od konfliktu do współistnienia i współpracy. Tom 1. Bliscy i dalecy sąsiedzi, red. nauk. K. Grysińska-Jarmuła, T. Maresz, Bydgoszcz 2017, s. 268-284.