It as a Manner of Developing Scientific Thinking

In this paper, the course of research into different manners of preparing for chemistry classes and their effects of on the students' interest in this subject is described. The students' activity and self-study was considered the key aspect of the innovation referred to as “flip teaching”. The study was conducted in the first years of secondary schools. Students participating in the study conducted small-scale experiments as recommended by their teachers, and then uploaded the results and their reflections on a dedicated platform in the form of descriptions, diagrams, videos of experiments and solutions to problem tasks suggested by the teacher.
Gulińska Hanna, 2013: It as a Manner of Developing Scientific Thinking, [in] E-learning & Lifelong Learning. Monograph Sc. Editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Studio Noa for University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice-Cieszyn, pp. 77-87. ISBN 978-83-60071-66-3.