Skills in Knowledge Society

Information technology sets the directions and pace of social development. It creates new opportunities and challenges for individuals, groups, communities and whole societies. The paper discusses the nature of the knowledge society, its needs for successful growth, challenges and skills the worker should possess to prosper and contribute. It also presents different classifications of the sets of skills as well as proposes another one built up on neurodidactic concepts. Theoretical and practical solutions derived from neurodidactics and LMS tools are suggested as the effective methods and techniques for an educational process so fundamental for well-being of the knowledge society.
Danuta Kaźmierczak, Skills And Capabilities In The Knowledge Society [In] Ed. E. Smyrnova - Trybulska, E-Learning Vol.9 Effective Development Of Teachers' Skills In The Area Of Ict And E-Learning, Katowice – Cieszyn 2017, ISBN 978-83-60071-96-0, ISSN 2451-3644
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