Błogosławione błądzenie. Na marginesie diasporycznego manifestu Ronalda B. Kitaja

In 1989 Ronald Brooks Kitaj published the text entitled First Diasporic Manifesto. The composition of that broad essay may be described in terms of allusiveness, fragmentation, non-linear narrative structure, dwelling in the garden of shadowy metaphors, and, last but not least - numerous literary references: from the book of Zohar to Benjamin's Arcades, from Kafka's aphorisms to Philip Roth's seminal novels. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the aesthetics of the diasporic painting, in particular - its specific cult for Logos and its „text-obsession”. Moreover, I will refer to the notion of artictic outsiderism as described by scholars and art critics such as e.g. Howard Becker, Vera Zolberg, Steve Lazarides and Kobena Mercer.
M. Stępnik, Błogosławione błądzenie. Na marginesie diasporycznego manifestu Ronalda B. Kitaja, (w:) Sztuka i edukacja. Muzyka i sztuki plastyczne, pod red. A. Boguszewskiej i B. Niścior, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 2015, s. 175-187.
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