Influence of Metal Nanocolloids on Selected Abiotic Stress Factors in Pumpkin

Nanotechnology could be a solution for providing sustainable agriculture, clean water and a better environment. Various nanomaterials can sustain the agricultural sectors. Plants are essential fundamental components of all ecosystems, and the interaction between NPs and plants is an indispensable aspect of the risk assessment. Originally, this research focuses on NP phytotoxicity, which is an important precondition to promote the application of nanotechnology and to avoid the potential ecological risks. SOD removes O2*¯, prevents generation of highly toxic OH*, and catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide radical into molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. SOD is ubiquitous and can be found in virtually all oxygen-consuming organisms, aero-tolerant anaerobes, and some obligate anaerobes. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of nanoparticles (NPs) on the oxidative stress parameters, of pumpkin seedlings. The study comprised analyses of the effect of two NPs (NKAg, NKCu) on the total soluble leaf protein content, lipid peroxidation (LPO), superoxide dismutases (SODs) activity. The effect of the concentration of NPs (50, 100 and 150 ml L-1), was studied.
Kachel-Jakubowska M., Bulak P., Bieganowski A. 2017. Influence of Metal Nanocolloids on Selected Abiotic Stress Factors in Pumpkin. [in:] Lorencowicz E. (ed.), Uziak J. (ed.), Huyghebaert B. (ed.). Farm Machinery and Processes Management in Sustainable Agriculture, 9th Int. Scient. Symp. ULS Lublin, p. 142-147