The Influence of Wheat Hardness on Energy Consumption During the Wheat Milling

Wheat is generally used for a food after converting grain components into different degrees of flour. The perfect milling operation needs to get enough knowledge about kernel mechanical properties and mainly hardness, to estimate correctly its effect on grinding performance. This study determined the influence of wheat hardness on milling energy and efficiency. The results showed great effect of wheat hardness on milling performance. The lowest values of specific energy were recorded in the case of cultivar Katoda. This cultivar is characterised by the lowest value of hardness index. The study indicates that, it is possible to select cultivars with low specific energy and high efficiency during milling, which in effect will cause a reduction of production costs.
Ahmed Z., Nadulski R., Panasiewicz M. 2017. The Influence of Wheat Hardness on Energy Consumption During the Wheat Milling. [in:] Lorencowicz E. (ed.), Uziak J. (ed.), Huyghebaert B. (ed.). Farm Machinery and Processes Management in Sustainable Agriculture, 9th Int. Scient. Symp. ULS Lublin, p. 17-20