Benjamin Disraeli wobec idei Edmunda Burke'a. Dwa oblicza konserwatyzmu brytyjskiego

The nature of political doctrines engender that there is not one, undisputed definition of conservatism. The paper describes similarities and differences between two famous conservatists, Edmund Burke (1729-1797) and Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881). First of them is often called the creator of British conservatism. Burke expressed his ideas in the period of the French Revolution. Because of his fear of the collapse of civilization, he do not believe in any positive effects of modernization. Disraeli shared many of Burke’s ideas, but his conservatism includes vision of some kind of social change. He do believe in possibilities of active government policy in this area, and it was surely result of romantic roots of his doctrine. Disraeli’s coservatsim, in the comparison of Burke’s, was more optimistic.
Madras T., Benjamin Disraeli wobec idei Edmunda Burke'a. Dwa oblicza konserwatyzmu brytyjskiego, Ekonomia i Zarządzanie T.2, nr 3 (2010), s. 30-45
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