Strategies for the agri-food sector and rural areas - dilemmas of development

Backcasting as an approach to creating long-term development strategies for the agri-food sector. Strategic dilemmas of the rural and farming policy in Poland. Social cohesion, changes in rural society and the stability of the agricultural sector in the Czech Republic. Assessment of territorial cohesion in terms of technical infrastructure of rural areas in comparison with cities. Economic importance of the Common Agricultural Policy in terms of agricultural production in Hungary and its implications after 2020. Investment supports to the Czech farms and their expected future under the CAP 2020+. Implementation of “blue ocean” strategy in Poland and Ukraine agricultural sectors: current status, opportunities and growth prospects. Potential of landscape features for implementation of green direct payments in Czech farmed landscape. Development of rural areas based on rational agricultural land use: a case study of Ukraine. Models and development directions of food supply chains. Sustainability performance indicators in dairy farms of Baltic States. Strategic aspects of the development of the sugar industry in Poland. The possibility to reach meat self-sufficiency in Romania in the long term. Wine industry as a source of rural growth and development. Why large farms dominate and rural areas struggle in Slovakia? The role of agriculture for income and employment in the Bulgarian rural areas. Product restructuring of Bulgarian agriculture – dilemmas and strategic directions. The role of a brand in recognition of agri-food products from Serbia. Small scale organic farmers – source of growth in the Bosnia and Herzegovina agri-food sector.
Seria: Monographs of Multi-Annual Programme, no 52.1
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