Stanowisko papiestwa wobec problemu wojny – od Piusa XII do Jana Pawła II

The Catholic Church over the centuries went through a process of evolution of its attitude regarding war as a social problem. The revision of the „just war” theory, the author of which was Saint Augustine of Hippo, was mainly caused by the events of World War II. Therefore, the main goal of the paper is to show the standpoint of popes in the second half of XX century regarding armed conflict, starting with Pius XII and ending with John Paul II. After the analysis of the research materials, it can be concluded that according to the teachings of papacy, every justification of warfare should be always preceded by rejection and condemnation of war as a „normal” way of solving a conflict. War, even if it removes injustice, is not a permanent solution. Of course, condemnation of war and showing its destructive character never meant the complete rejection of all forms of armed resistance. The popes have implemented to the „just war” theory the dictate to prevent any armed conflict. Their actions were to, most of all, support „building peace around the world”.
K. Białas-Zielińska, Stanowisko papiestwa wobec problemu wojny – od Piusa XII do Jana Pawła II, [w:] Od wojny sprawiedliwej do wojny robotów. Rozważania o stałości i zmienności fenomenu wojny, red. A. Nyzio, Kraków 2018.