Geografia wyborcza województwa podlaskiego

The article presents the analysis of electoral geography of Podlaskie Voivodeship, based on the voting results of the local and parliamentary elections. The region is divided in social and religious terms and there are clear reflections of this traditional divisions in electoral behaviours. The electoral map on the region consists of: moderately left-wing Suwalszczyzna; the right-wing, also supporting the PSL party, northern parts of the former Łomżyńskie and Białostockie Voivodeships (Grajewo-Sokółka subregion); eminently right-wing Łomża-Białystok subregion; relatively liberal city of Bialystok; and strongly leftist of south-eastern (Orthodox) subregion.
Madras T., Geografia wyborcza województwa podlaskiego, [w:] Geografia wyborcza polski. Interpretacje postaw i zachowań obywateli, red. Koziełło T., Szczepański D., Rzeszów 2018