Сфера бизнеса в лингвокогнитивных мо-делях социума

The article takes up the problem of social context in which business operates and develops. Meaningful part of this context is constituted by cognitive models formed on the basis of knowledge and business perception of the people who are not directly in volved in it. Research material was gathered through the use of psycholinguistic method in the form an associative experiment. 62 persons participated in it, representing academic or higher secondary education: mainly lecturers and teachers of state and private institutions of higher learning. The authors introduce the term socioeconomic thesaurus. They assume that cognitive models become a source of social discourse and, in this way, exert substantial influence on the functioning and development of business. The cognitive models expounded in the article are constructed on the basis of analysis of reaction to the word-stimulus business. An average society member associates the word primarily with money and lack of time in private life. The conducted analysis allowed to show connection of mutual and interdependent cognitive models and components of the discourse. It also allowed to construct the associative field and to give a schematic presentation of frames, documents and geshtalts as cognitive models of socialeconomic thesaurus. The construction of aspects of business functioning was worked out on the basis of discourse-analysis from the point of view of social constructivism. The obtained results testify to positive attitude to business image as the economic phenomenon in the society.
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