U podstaw tekstu i dyskursu. Znak digitalny – specyfika i struktura

The article presents a specific character of a digital sign (immateriality, multidimentionality, simultaneous affinity with computer discourse and social communication) and emerging double construction of the sign. Digital sign has its representation on the level of programing and usage. Its specificity on the level of programing is marked by the dimension of meta-sign (identifying of the usage level), while on the level of usage – by the aspect of activity (mediators and operators as new kinds of signs). The article also describes aspects differently rendered on both levels: semantic and representational. The juxtaposition of the structure of digital sign with existing theories of sign (binary and triadic) points to insufficiency of these theories for the description of new structure of the sign.
Ewa Szczęsna, U podstaw tekstu i dyskursu. Znak digitalny – specyfika i struktura, „Teksty Drugie”, 2014/3.
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