The Renewal of Pastoral Care of the Family in the Light of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia

The aspirations of Pope Francis for the renewal of pastoral care of the family are based on the deeply theologically rooted principles of the Church’s proper role. In the exhortation Amoris laetitia, the principle of God’s grace, the principle of pastoral love, the paschal principle of sacrifice and the principle of the Church’s missionary activity are all clearly visible. In the document, we can also find a few directions for renewal of the pastoral care of the family. The strengthening of the focus of the parish as well as the strengthening of the focus of spouses and the domestic Church on pastoral care of the family are crucial. Further on, we find encouragement for the renewal of the preparation for marriage within the ecclesial community, and for the development and strengthening of the pastoral care of married couples. The Pope sees as an extension of the pastoral care of engaged and married couples, care for those in irregular situations. Consequently, for the realization of the desired directions in the development and renewal of pastoral care of the family, it is necessary to expand and deepen the formation of seminarians and priests for their pastoral work with engaged persons, married couples and families
Goleń, J. (2017). The Renewal of Pastoral Care of the Family in the Light of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia. Roczniki Teologiczne, 64 (6), 95-114.
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