Potencjalne ryzyka związane z przystąpieniem do strefy euro – doświadczenia państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

This article discusses experience of Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries which have adopted the euro. The emphasis is placed on three phenomena: an increase in inflation, a decline in competitiveness and a greater volatility of the economic growth. As the analysis shows, there was no effect of price increase due to currency conversion in all CEE countries, as well as neither loss of competitiveness nor decrease in foreign trade balance has been proved. However, CEE countries that adopted the euro experienced greater fluctuations of economic growth – both the minimum and maximum GDP growth rate was relatively high in comparison to CEE countries which kept their currencies.
Sawulski, J. (2019). Potencjalne ryzyka związane z przystąpieniem do strefy euro – doświadczenia państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Studia BAS, 3(59), 115-129. https://doi.org/10.31268/StudiaBAS.2019.23
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