Ścieżki zawodowe wysoko wykwalifikowanych migrantek z Ukrainy i Białorusi w Polsce

The purpose of this article is to present the various professional paths of highly qualified female migrants from Ukraine and Belarus, the most numerous groups of foreigners from outside the EU in Poland. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews with highly qualified female specialists, i.e. migrants who started work relevant to their education and/or specialist knowledge and did not have experience of working in typical “migrant” sectors (service industry, agriculture, care work, etc.). This article also provides an overview of the Ukrainian and Belarusian migration to Poland after the fall of the USSR.
Dolińska, A. (2019). Ścieżki zawodowe wysoko wykwalifikowanych migrantek z Ukrainy i Białorusi w Polsce. Studia BAS, 4(60), 179–197. https://doi.org/10.31268/StudiaBAS.2019.36
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