Media transgraniczne polsko-czeskiego pogranicza na przykładzie audycji telewizyjnej „Hranice dokořán – Rozmówki polsko-czeskie”

An important form of international and intercultural communication – one of the conditions for creating a friendly neighborhood – are the mass media. This thesis is supported by European opinion polls, which show that the main source of information about neighboring countries are different media. For media experts particularly interesting forms of communication are cross-border media and journalism, which according to author’s classification, fulfill the following criteria for: the organization of editorial teams; territorial extent; forms; message content. The article presents the results of the analysis of the content of the TV program “Hranice dokořán – Rozmówki polsko-czeskie”, which was jointly carried out in 2010–2012 by TVP Wroclaw and Czech Television Studio in Ostrava. The purpose of the presented research is to try to determine the characteristics of cross-border transmission, taking into account: the share of binational publishers in the program being created; Attendance of represented space and subject matter; normative meaning.
Olechowska, P. (2017). Media transgraniczne polsko-czeskiego pogranicza na przykładzie audycji telewizyjnej : „Hranice dokořán – Rozmówki polsko-czeskie”. W: P. Olechowska. E. Pajewska (red. nauk.). Pogranicze w mediach, media na pograniczu (s. 246-284). Szczecin: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
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