Uwarunkowania zachowań suicydalnych adolescentów – na podstawie przeglądu wybranych badań

The text considers adolescents’ suicidal behaviours conditioning. Basing on the (selected) research review, there was executed the verification of the factors of so-called risks which have a significant impact on the youth. Searching for the conditioning of the suicidal behaviours was conducted around the factors of risk related to the family and its situations/problems rooted in an individual as well as (factors) related to the social environment. The whole of this elaboration is completed with the summary along with some practical conclusions.
Przybysz-Zaremba, M. (2019). Uwarunkowania zachowań suicydalnych adolescentów – na podstawie przeglądu wybranych badań. Roczniki Pedagogiczne, 11(47), numer specjalny, 385-399. doi : http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/rped.2019.11s.
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