Formacja do dojrzałego korzystania z internetu jako wyzwanie dla życia rodzinnego

Education to making a mature use of the Internet is highly important for the cultural, moral and spiritual development of children and – by reason of the parental involvement – may prove extremely useful for an intentional and mature building of family integrity. An essential prerequisite for a proper formation of the youngest members of the household to using the new “forum” of communication responsibly is for parents to assume a personal attitude towards this medium. Moreover, drawing on the resources of the multimedial Net calls for some practical skills and knowledge of basic technological questions connected with application of the new technique of communication. An effective protection against various threats posed by the Internet is provided by a dialogue with the children. Besides, education to responsibly using the new communication “forum” ought to be combined with the cultivation of the ascetic spirit. Another important task facing parents who want to be a model for cautiously using the Internet is to encourage their children to a wholesome and active life, to practising sports, strengthening contacts with their peers and pursuing and developing their own hobbies. Challenges that are presented by the multimedial Net need to be always faced by all householders – parents in particular – bravely and calmly.
Delmanowicz G., Formacja do dojrzałego korzystania z internetu jako wyzwanie dla życia rodzinnego, „Studia nad Rodziną” 2008, t. 12, nr 1-2 (22-23), s. 289-305.
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