Мережеві зв’язки дворянства лівобережної України першої половини XIX ст. (за наративними джерелами родини Ґалаґанів)

The article attempts to consider the activity of the nobility from one of the regions of Ukraine within the Russian Empire on the basis a reconstruction of the communication system by sources of personal origin (ego-documents, auto-narratives). These are diaries, autobiographical notes, travel descrip-tions, correspondence stored in the archives of the Galagan’s family, which was one of the famous noble dynasties of the Left Bank Ukraine. The col-lection contains authorship documents not only of the Galagans, but also of members of related Cossack officer’s families. Studying the documents from the family archives has made it possible to consider relatives as a separate social group within a regional association, when affinity is a sign of flexibility and diversity of public relations. These texts make it possible to reconstruct the social network as well as and the personal connections of some of its mem-bers because of their subjective perception of their place in the community. The purpose of the article is to analyze the role of network ties of the nobility of Left Bank Ukraine in the second quarter in the 19th century during the processes of socialization, self-identification and social action. The communication strategies of the Left Bank Ukraine nobility have been investigated at the level of relations between the local community and the imperial center, between the landed gentry and the peasants, as well as at the level of support and interaction needs within a noble family. It also examines the local nobility’s system of communication with a large group of clients, including estate managers, governors and teachers of children, ar-tisans, for whom nobles acted as employers and philanthropists. It has also been traced what role the “social topography” (i.e. the system of settlements that at different times became centers of its communication) played in the de-velopment of the socio-cultural network created by the regional elite. Consid-eration of network connections has also made it possible to study the response of the nobility to important events of their time.
[w]: Studia i materiały z historii nowożytnej i najnowszej Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, T. 1: Na styku epok. Ziemie południowo-wschodniej Rzeczypospolitej od XVII do początku XIX wieku, redakcja Tomasz Kargol, Witalij Michałowskiss. 181–198
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