„Cantare amantis est”. Dobry śpiew i dobra muzyka w klasztorze Braci Bonifratrów w Prudniku

In the monastery of the Brothers Hospitallers in Prudnik (former Neustadt in Oberschlesien) a collection of musical sources has survived: manuscripts and prints. The state of musicological research is very limited in this case, because there is no publication devoted solely to the musical activity of this monastery. This article aims to fill this „uncharted area” in musicological historiography, although research on this collection is still ongoing. The article presents the most important events from the history of this monastery, stressing that it functioned in three different provinces: Austrian (Provincia Germanica), Bavarian and Silesian, and was spared during secularization. These are important information that must be taken into account when choosing work methods. Source criticism along with the suggestion of methods of musicological research was made. Issues related to the formation of a musical ensemble in the Prudnik monastery were discussed, including the brothers staying in Prudnik, who are known to have musical skills. The initial characteristic of the repertoire and other issues serve as a starting point for further research. So far, 98 musical manuscripts have been identified, maybe twice as many prints, but these data may change as the research works. However, it can already be noted that the Brothers Hospitallers from the Prudnik monastery took care of the spiritual life, which was supported by music, especially good singing (Cantare amantis est), which was recommended by Saint Augustine of Hippo in his monastery rule, which was also realized by the Brothers Hospitallers in Prudnik.
Joachimiak, G. (2018). „Cantare amantis est”. Dobry śpiew i dobra muzyka w klasztorze Braci Bonifratrów w Prudniku. W: M. Kuśka (red.), Bracia miłosierni - życie w służbie chorych i potrzebujących : materiały przygotowane na międzynarodową konferencję naukową zorganizowaną 13 października 2018 roku w Cieszynie dla upamiętnienia 320-tej rocznicy rozpoczęcia budowy tutejszego Konwentu i Szpitala Bonifratrów oraz setnej rocznicy służby Bonifratrów w Polsce odrodzonej. Ordo Hospitalarius sancti Ioannis de Deo.