O Prof. Ludwiku Hirszfeldzie i mocy słowa, które uzdrawia u progu Grossaktion Warschau

Article presents Prof. Hirszfeld (1884-1954), polish doctor bacteriologist, specialist of epidemia of typhus, co-discoverer of blood groups AB, A, B, O and part RH+. During III Reich German occupation in Poland (1939-1945) he was forced, with 400 thousand Jews, essentialy from Warsaw, to live inside the ghetto. Witness of German extermination’s politic in view of Jews. I emphase the attitude of Prof. Hirszfeld instored in ghetto secred medical university courses. These structures permitted to protected doctors and students before moral ruin and seved their human dignity face to total destruction created by Germans. Convert to Catholicism before war, Prof. Hirszfeld drew his power in Christian faith.
Filipowicz, B. (2017). O Prof. Ludwiku Hirszfeldzie i mocy słowa, które uzdrawia u progu Grossaktion Warschau. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides et Ratio, 32(4), 468–478.
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