Resilience and quality of life among people serving prison sentences in penitentiary institutions: The mediating role of social support

The aim of this study was to explore the associations between resilience and quality of life and the possible mediating influence of social support. As dependent variables, we tested QoL global score and its specific components: psychosocial, psychophysical, subjective, and metaphysical. In addition, we tested global social support and its aspects — psychosocial, psychophysical, subjective, and metaphysical — as mediators. The models we constructed are acceptable and each of the predictors is significant. The study confirmed the mediating effect of social support on QoL in prisoners.
Skowroński, B., & Talik, E. (2020). Resilience and quality of life among people serving prison sentences in penitentiary institutions: The mediating role of social support. International Journal of Social Research, 4(44), 1–13.
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