Przykłady kooperatyw spożywczych w Polsce jako laboratorium inicjatyw społecznościowych

The paper discusses new forms of social collaboration that have been actively developing in cities for a number of years now. The text analyses the form of social interactions that the author has defined as a community institution. Applying this cognitive category to a reflection on a specific example– a food cooperative– made it possible to capture the characteristic features of a community self-organisation mechanism. Discovering the institutional aspects of the discussed phenomenon made it possible to observe that community collaboration involves an educational process of constructing the common good and consequently– a major potential of pedagogical impact and significant impact on local public policies.
Bohdan Skrzypczak, Przykłady kooperatyw spożywczych w Polsce jako laboratorium inicjatyw społecznościowych [Examples of food cooperatives in Poland as a laboratory of social initiatives]. Kultura– Społeczeństwo– Eduka-cja nr2(18) 2020, Poznań 2020, pp. 55–67, Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-0422. DOI 10.14746/kse.2020.18.3.1.
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