Czy libertarianizm jest teorią polityczną?

The purpose of the article is to answer the question: Is libertarianism a political theory? As political theory we recognize such theory, which consider the issue of stability as the subject of investigations. There are three possible questions about political order: 1) what shape should it take; 2) how to achieve it? 3) how to maintain it? We consider the last question as the basic question of modern political theory. Libertarianism does not answer that question, which brings us to the conclusion, that libertarianism is not political theory, but ethical theory. Out of three of Joshua Cohen’s distinctions of criticism of social practices: 1) political 2) moral 3) unmarked Libertarianism is best characterized by the moral nature of criticism of social practices.
Ł. Perlikowski, Czy libertarianizm jest teorią polityczną?, Societas et Ius nr 5/2006, s. 85-97.
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