Zmiany w organizacji i funkcjonowaniu kształcenia zawodowego w Polsce. Bilans reform 1989–2022

The reforms of the initial vocational education in Poland (1999, 2012, and 2017–2019) placed learning outcomes in the centre of attention, strengthened work-based learning, introduced a forecast for the labour market demand for graduates, and launched a graduate monitoring system. However, several challenges remain, such as the low level of students’ general skills and inadequate funding. Recent surveys and the newly developed graduate monitoring system based on administrative data show that vocational education is heterogeneous. In addition to the differences in educational and labour market status by type of school, the situation of juvenile workers in the dual system differs from the situation of other students of sectoral schools. The educational and labour market experiences also vary by sector of training.
Sitek, M., Stasiowski, J. (2022). Zmiany w organizacji i funkcjonowaniu kształcenia zawodowego w Polsce. Bilans reform 1989–2022. Studia BAS, 2(70), 71–93.
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