Charakterystyka społeczno-demograficzna oraz ekonomiczna turystów uczestniczących w pozaeuropejskich wycieczkach poznawczych

Thank to the variety of travel agencies' offer regarding outbound sightseeing tours tourists may adapt the type of the chosen trip to their needs and preferences. The situation in this respect changed in Poland dramatically when political transformation was reflected in citizens' social life with tourism (including outbound tourism) forming its significant part.Sightseeing tourism as a part of cultural tourism, constitutes an alternative for mass leisure tourism and at the same time is second the most popular form of tourism in the World. It is created by tourists driven by different motives.This paper presents the social, demographic and eeconomic profile of tourists participating in outbound sightseeing tours. The scope of authors research regarding such tourists includes: age and gender, marital status, education and income profesional activity and place of revidence.
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