Turystyka zrównoważona - przegląd literatury i charakterystyka

The tourism sector is most often associated with the attractive places worth to visit, sights to be seen or entertainment. In the general opinion, tourist sector does not have any negatives – it causes hundreds of tourists coming to the country who leave money, provide jobs and disseminate local space. On the other hand, heavy tourist traffic causes a significant damage, not only to the environment, which may lead to its degradation, but it also has a negative impact on the local community – for example, tourists bring a Coke or macdonalds’, the things unknown for one region, for example and they can lead to tooth decay or obesity. Fortunately, for many years many attempts have been made to reduce or eliminate the negative impact of the tourism sector, with these attempts arose the term “sustainable tourism” meaning tourism not detrimental to the environment, and improving the living conditions of the tourist area and generating certain financial income. This article is completely describes what the “sustainable tourism” term is.
Turystyka zrównoważona - przegląd literatury i charakterystyka; Paula Bajdor, Janusz K. Grabara; W: Regionalne i lokalne strategie rozwoju turystyki: materiały i studia; red. nauk. Stefan Nowak; Wydawnictwo Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Katowicach; Katowice 2012. S. 52 - 58; ISBN 978-83-60841-88-4
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