Energy security in Poland in case of the policy of energy resources diversification

Poland as a member country of the European Union participates in the creation of a common energy policy and implement EU legislation in the country. Basic directions of the Polish energy policy are: - improving energy efficiency; - diversify the structure of electricity generation; - increase security of fuel and energy; - the development of energy from renewable sources; - the development of competitive markets for fuels. For all these directions have been formulated specific aims. The issue of energy efficiency is treated as a priority. Its improvement is a priority in the EU's energy policy. The main objectives of energy policy in Poland shall be aiming at maintaining non-energy economic growth and reduce energy consumption in the Polish economy.
Wiskulski T., Energy security in Poland in case of the policy of energy resources deversification, [w:] C. Georgescu (red.), GeoPolitica, nr 41-42, Editura Top Form, Bukareszt 2011, s. 171-178.
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