Dobra Nowina w czasach nowej ewangelizacji. Wezwania dla zakonów

Good News In The Times Of New Evangelisation. Challenges For Religious Orders Summary The central point of importance of the religious orders message within the new evangelisation is the spirituality of communion. It teaches how to overcome loneliness, to share the responsibility as a fruit of brotherly bond and to forgive. The community remains the sign when the charisma governs the use of energy, strengthens the faithfulness and gives direction to apostolic work. We must remember, however, that a mere reading of signs of the times is not enough. New evangelization is also working out new evagelisation programmes knowing that everything depends on God, but working as though everything depended on us. A fruitful participation of the institute in the new evangelization depends on being faithful to the charisma, communion in the Church with those who carry out the same work, especially with the Shepherds, and collaboration with all people of good will. New evangelisation makes us aware that our message is often directed to cultures and societies in which God somehow seems to be dead and must be reborn. This rebirth of God must not be accompanied with judgment and censure but with peace to all people of good will.
Sobkowiak, Jarosław A. “Dobra Nowina w Czasach Nowej Ewangelizacji. Wezwania Dla Zakonów.” Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, no. 1, 2012, pp. 83–104.
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