„Jesteśmy pytaniem”. Przyczynek do dyskusji o środkowoeuropejskiej (nie)tożsamości

There are many defi nitions of Central Europe, but most of them consider the borders of this region to be unclear, vague and changeable; we also have a similar situation in the case of Central European identity. Author tries to answer the questions: does this identity exist? is it some kind of supranational identity or autostereotype? She was searching for answer in Central European literature of the twentieth century and she found an inhabitant of this region is usually depicted in two ways: 1. as a defective, incomplete man who cannot transcend himself (this type has some subtypes) 2. as an intellectual, who did not undergo Americanization and who cherishes traditional European values. She also considers this Central European types of character as examples of borderland identity.
K. Pospiszil, „Jesteśmy pytaniem”. Przyczynek do dyskusji o środkowoeuropejskiej (nie)tożsamości, „Kultura i Polityka” 2011, nr 10, s. 141-153.
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