"Trwanie z nostalgią w tle". O rumuńskich realiach w dwadzieścia lat po upadku komunizmu: przypadek wsi Săpânța

This paper will discuss shortly a case of local community from Săpânța, well known from its Merry Cemetery, a wooden monument of popular sculpture. This small village, in Maramuresz region from Romania, is representative like an example of endurance of many others peripherals communities in a Middle-East Europe, which had lived a time called a period of transition from socialism to capitalism and still exist in a space of "unifying Europe". The main goal is to demonstrate in an anthropological perspective, how this small community reacts in this circumstances using its owns and old patterns to perform new reality as good as well to still be a community. This situation is analyzed by notion of nostalgia. It defines in a new way, not only a verbal discourse of certain groups who benefits today from old patterns of living in a period before a Revolution in 1989 in Romania, but in generally all strategies to maintain community, who seems to be disparate because of mass although not permanent immigration Finally this paper suggests how premature could be the idea of disappearance in a time of global mobility of small communities in which relations are built on a territorial factor. An interpretation results from longtime observation in this village done by the author of this paper.
Agnieszka Chwieduk, "Trwanie z nostalgią w tle". O rumuńskich realiach w dwadzieścia lat po upadku komunizmu: przypadek wsi Săpânța, "Anthropos?" 2013, nr 20-21
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