Mre Dewłeske gilawaw me. Muzyka i tożsamość Cyganów w ruchu zielonoświątkowym

The article refers to the conversion of Gypsies in Pentecostal societies. Since the day French pastor Clement Le Cossec converted the Manush Gypsies in the 1950s, the Pentecostal movement has gained popularity among Roma in Europe and both Americas. The most appealing Pentecostal idea for the Gypsies is the necessity to overcome ethnic barriers. Converted Roma people gain the opportunity to become members of society without being labeled as outcasts, or pushed away as a result of ethnic bias. Polish peculiarity of the problem has been shown on the example of a Gypsy community in Bystrzyca Kłodzka, made up of Carpathian Gypsies. The author describes the community through Gypsy religious music, a means of expressing their religious and ethnic identity through unique musical instruments, style and performance.

E artikloça, i avtòra zumavel te dikhlǎrel i problematìka e Rromenqëre boldǎripnasqëri dr-o pokaime khangerǎ. Dekana o pastòri Clément le Cossec andar- i Bretània, boldǎrdǎs mesmerigutne Francaqëre Rromen dr-e bb. ’50 e XX-tone śb./qëre, e pokaimenqëro miśkaipen xutrel sofora bareder popularitèta maśkar Rromenθe dre Evròpa aj dre duj Amèrike. Oda so buteder pherel e Rromenqëri godǐ kaj te kerdǒn pokaime, sar śaj pakǎs, si i idèa so musaj te nakhavdǒn etnikane barière (barǎ). I konvèrsia (bodlǎripen) del e Rromen jekh śajutnipen kaj te len kotor buteder dr-o dostipen aj te paruven penqëri pozìcia sar manuśa pr-e dostipnasqëri marginalizàcia. Sar viktìme e diskriminaciaqëre, xutren aja śànca kaj te nakhen opreder e etnikane divizienθar. E Polskaqëri specifìka dr-adaja problematìka śaj dikhlǒl pal-i misal e rromane khetanipnasqëri dr-o gav Bystryca Kłodzka, so vazdine karpatìka Rroma. I avtòra del amen tasvir katar-e Bystryca Kłodzkaqëri khangeri prdal-i prìsma e rromane religialone bagaipnasqëri aj baśalipnasqëri, savi angil-sa del e Rromen śajutnipen te mothoven avri penqëre religiaqëri aj etniaqëri identitèta, prdal jekh xarakteristìko stìli muzikaqëro, o instrumentarium, e interpretaciaqëro ćand thaj kola.
Monika Janowiak-Janik, Mre Dewłeske gilawaw me. Muzyka i tożsamość Cyganów w ruchu zielonoświątkowym, "Studia Romologica", 2011, nr 4, s. 153-167.
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