Nowy człowiek, zamaskowany niszczyciel. Wizja zagłady dystopijnego państwa w powieści graficznej V jak Vendetta Alana Moore'a i Davida Lloyda

Each totalitarian regime wishes to create or shape a new kind of man who will implement the projects of the authorities. Propaganda, education or medical experiments may be the means of achieving this. However, there will always be a risk of failure of this social experiment, threatening very existence of the totalitarian state. Alan More and David Lloyd, authors of V for Vendetta graphic novel point to this paradox. This presentation aims at showing how the new man, V, shaped by Norsefire party’s regime become a „gravedigger” of the totalitarian system. In their dystopian graphic novel British authors have scrupulously presented destruction of a political power that has failed to appreciate individual will and the desire for freedom.
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