A Few Comments on Determining the Shapes of Hyperboloid Cooling Towers by the Means of Ambient Tangents Method

Almost 80 cooling towers operating in Poland are subject to periodical measurements on the current basis. Due to the technical condition of the cooling towers, operating for more than 20 years, the problematics of determining the shape of shell structures is still timely, in spite of the fact that the methods of measurements and determining the shape of shell structures are commonly known. A significant number of measurements are continued to be performed by the means of the ambient tangents method [2, 3]. Although this method is being phased out from the market and replaced with the spatial incision method, polar line method, observations with use of the GPS receivers and photogrammetry methods, the economic reasons cause the observations by the means of the ambient tangents method to be stili applied by a significant number of contractors. This induces the Authors to present the possibilities of improving this method and to show that the modification of calculations allows improving the accuracy of the results obtained. The detailed algorithm describing the new method of determining the so-called "tangent length"1) awaits printing in [5]. This paper presents the results of calculations of the model structure in order to illustrate the differences between the classical and modified approach.
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