Pomiędzy racjonalizmem a sentymentalizmem. Rozważania dotyczące norm etycznych odnośnie zwierząt

Professor Maria Ossowska classified relation of people to animals as a moral norm in the defense of our biological existence. People who promote respect for animal life develop a principles-oriented attitude towards animal experimentation and question animal husbandry and humane killing. Reffering to Plutarch she explained that probably the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals‟ is not aware of the fact that they should establish him as their patron. In 1990 Ija Lazari-Pawłowska gave a lecture during the National Symposium of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. In that lecture, The animal is not a thing, she clearly stated that the human concern for the lives of animals should result from thinking about their well-being not from people‟s benefit. The animal is not a person, but it is not a thing. She opted for compassion, referring to A. Schweitzer and his ethical principle of reverence for life according to which a human being should be responsible for all living things. She hoped for the implementation of legal regulations allowing law to become a source of enforcement of animal rights, defined as generally applicable minimum standards. Lazari-Pawłowska also relied on the views of Gandhi. He systematized his ideas in Ethic Ghandi books. Ahimsa postulate (or the principle of „do no evil‟) is the basis for her discussion, not only in relation to the human world but also to the world of animals. Gandhi, who apart from A. Schweitzer was the inspiration for Professor Lazari- -Pawłowska, believed that killing animals for food is necessary for people. Ghandi thought highly of vegetarianism, and the supporters of animal rights.According to professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński people who take care of prosperity and well-being of other human beings are defined as “reasonably minded”, but the attempts to save animals from cruel people are called “sentimentalism” (one of his texts which brand animal crueltyis called “Meditation on the Sentimental”). Rights existing in nature are strict and absolute, and they are not shameful, which is a part of nature – attitude which is devoid of sentimentality is immoral. Attempts to human return to the “jungle” (primitive behavior) are an unsuccessful escapade.
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