Koncepcja sztuki w klasycznym daoizmie

The concepts of art created in Far East are by no means as homogeneous as it seems from the perspective of Europe. But they are certainly significantly different from those from „Old Continent”. In cultures of Confucian circle, most influented is conception developed in wneren society – Confucian clerks-philosophers, who recognized artistic activity as continuation of their philosophical practice. In spite of conventional opinions about antagonism of traditional Chinese old schools of philosophy – Daosim and Confucianism, the former strongly influenced the development of both the contemporary Confucian philosophy and The Confucian concept of art. In the essay I am writing about concept of art contained in Daoist’s classical texts, and base of Daoism as well. It is no doubt that it influenced for development of culture of China and Far East generally, affecting both Confucianism and Buudism, what resulted in Chinese Buddist School chan, in Japan called zen. It is worth noting that like in other Chinese philosophical schools, in classical Daoism art is not limited to the area of art in European meaning, but refer to every human activity. It is startegy of action, exceeding the craftmanship, which leads to wisdom. Is activity of sages.
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