Kierunki rozwoju nauk o zarządzaniu - wyzwania współczesności

The paper focuses on the most important prospects and directions of management sciences development, analyzing from the contemporary economy conditioning point of view. These issues cannot be narrowed exclusively to functioning of enterprises, because it concerns also organizations of the public sector, which are being financed from taxpayers money. The particular attention was paid to interdisciplinary character of problems which are the point of interests in management studies, and hereinafter were discussed important challenges of contemporary economy. The conclusion of presented deliberation is statement that management sciences quickly respond to contemporary challenges, delivering theoretical knowledge allowing for better understanding and analyzing phenomena and organizational processes, as well as to predict possible consequences of social-economic transformations.
W, Walczak, Kierunki rozwoju nauk o zarządzaniu - wyzwania współczesności, "„Studia Ekonomiczne. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach, 2012 nr 118,, s. 523-536
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