Teologia liberalnej demokracji w świetle koncepcji gnozy politycznej Erica Voegelina

According to Eric Voegelin’s theory modern Gnosticism is characterized by radical immanentisation of eschatological desires of man. The vitality of the varied secular projec- tions of self-salvation of the mankind which take a form of political doctrines is one of the consequence. The liberal-democratic system is one of such visions. However, despite the intentions of Gnostics, political beliefs retain the quasi-religious character after the rejec- tion of transcendence, and, by Voegelin’s, liberalism is one of the manifestations of Gnosticism.
Madras T., Teologia liberalnej demokracji w świetle koncepcji gnozy politycznej Erica Voegelina, w: Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne Vol. 34 (2012), s. 204-221
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